If you have looked through my site you will have noticed l sometimes mention my mate Dave, Dave is one of the first people l met when l lived in Devon, over thirty years later we are still best mates and l still look forward to my yearly break staying with him and his family, a lovely wife and two great son`s.
But their are still things that amuse me about Dave, he is not a great swimmer yet will get as close as he can to the waters edge, he is afraid of heights but gets as close to the edge of a cliff as he can just so he can get that shot that is different, he makes me chuckle inside the way he measure`s 3/4 of a cup of water then puts it in the kettle as not to waste electricity, no full cup here you have to allow for the milk, but the thing that amazes me most is, Dave been a very keen and l must state very good photographer and knows how important your setting up for the shot is, so why does he always F@~#/[% move into my shot.
Date: 12/08/2012
Location: Man Sands,Brixham,South Devon
Photographer: Kevin Wise